Sheesh, 8 weeks until school starts and guess who has lost NO weight!!! Yep, me. I mean seriously, I don't know what I'm thinking. Those white scrubs are starting to haunt my nightmares!! If only I looked this good in white scrubs! I got a letter in the mail today from school saying I had $110.00 in tickets, haha. Guess I should have stuck with the student parking lot & not the teacher parking lot huh? Oh well, I wonder if they can just take it out of my student loan money? Speaking of which, I think I really need to look into some scholarships. I want to, but that whole process just seems so daunting... Maybe I'll go in & talk to one of the financial aid people & they can point me in the right direction. I am sweating bullets just thinking about it. Last semester I went into debt $10,500 & this year it's like $12,500. I mean by the time I'm done with my BSN I will be in debt $35,000!!!!!!!! I mean and th...
This wife and mom's journey from nurse to nurse practitioner, the good, the bad, the ugly, the exciting, the terrifying and beyond....