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Today is the beginning of the rest of my life!!! Today I was ACCEPTED into Blarvard's (name changed to protect the innocent) nursing program. Starting in January I will again roam the hallowed halls of college, but this time it will be a University and not a community college. This time I will be working toward my Bachelor's degree. This time I will be working toward changing my family's future. This time I will be working toward a life that includes someone in my family that graduated from college!!!! This time will be the beginning of what I hope is a life changing dream come true. I am SO excited, I GOT IN!!!
Now of course, this is where the nerves kick in. Am I smart enough? Will I be able to pass these classes? Will I be able to afford everything I have to have? Will I be able to balance school, a family and possibly work? I am totally thanking God right now for how this has all fallen into place. Once again I am just praising a Father that knows the road ahead. A Father that only wants the best for me. A Father that sees the future I can't see and that leads me by the hand towards a goal that I have dreamed about now for almost 3 years. Thank you Lord!!

On a side note I had the coolest call just a minute ago. After I got my acceptance letter I posted a picture of it on FB & one of the women I've become FB friends with (who is a NP, going for her DNP) called me!! It was so sweet!! We've talked on FB, emailed etc. She has given me many words of encouragement and I was so touched that she called. Not only did she call but she said if I needed with a problem, tips on getting through school, even help if money was short to just give her a call. How sweet is that? I definitely know that God "put" her in my life. She even said she would be looking for a graduation invitation. Isn't that just too sweet!!! I am so thankful to have "met" her and can't wait to meet her for real 2 years from now at my graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess I'm gonna get off here and go make some dinner, but I'll be walking on sunshine all the way there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooooooo


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