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Made my decision...

Ok so I've had an ongoing debate with myself over whether or not I should go for the DNP or the FNP when I graduate next May.  I have looked into LOTS of programs & have gotten TONS of advice & I have finally made my decision.  I am not going to go for my DNP right now.  All of the schools I looked at for the DNP are about 3 years long, on top of being much more expensive than if I go for my FNP.  Roll in the fact that the so called "requirement" of the DNP by 2015 isn't going to happen & I have decided that I just want to go for my FNP & let the chips fall where they may. 

The program that I am going for is about an hour away from my house & it's a hybrid program.  I will only have to go to campus one day a week & the rest of the time the courses are online.  The program is 4 semesters long as opposed to 7 or 8 & I will be done in about 18 months.  I have to say that now that I've made my decision I am SO excited.  I can't wait to get this last year done & under my belt & get started with my master's program!!  THIS is my dream.  THIS is why I went to nursing school in the first place.  I have wanted to be a NP since I started this process & now I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  To think I only have 2 1/2 more years & I will have accomplished what I set out to accomplish (God willing) makes me soo happy. 

Right now there are three offices in my town that employ NP's (well that are well known, there may be others that I just don't know about).  One is a NP owned practice, which she just hired another NP to work with her, & the other two are basically walk in clinics.  Well one is a walk in clinic & a regular clinic put together, which when I own my own practice will be the model that I will choose.  Fortunately for me that one is very open to precepting, so I'm pretty sure I can get a preceptor job at probably either one of those.  Actually I don't think finding a preceptor in my area will be hard at all.  (Knock on wood) 

Anyhoo, that's my decision  about school.  NOW I need to make a decision about paying for school.  The hospital where I work does the whole pay for your school & then you work for us for 2 years thing, BUT I just have to decide do I want to work for them for 2 years.  Of course the good thing about the hospital where I work is that there are physicians who are employed by the hospital & if I were to work for one of them it would still be considered part of the hospital, so techincally I could do that for 2 years, get some experience under my belt & then strike out on my own.  Well with a partner of course.  Again, I know that's 2 1/2 years down the road, but you know me, I'm ALWAYS thinking ahead. 

Ok, enough about this long post, just thought I'd share what I had decided.  Now I really can't wait for school to start back, sheesh I wish I had a fast forward button!!


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