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Let's talk children. In my last semester I had Peds and Policy. To be honest I wasn't really looking forward to my Peds rotation. Although children have never really been my thing, for some reason they always seem to love me. I think I was worried about the fact that I still don't feel that sure about all of the disease processes of the adult body, much less the diseases of little people. Hindsight was that I shouldn't have worried. Of course that's hindsight on basically all the classes I've taken. I have found that I've needlessly worried over each and every class for nothing. Up until this point I have gotten straight A's, well except for that B that I completely eeked out in Patho (man was that a stressful semester).

Another tidbit of advice, if there are FB pages set up for your school then go ahead and join them, they're a great place to get information. On the flip side of that though, DON'T visit them too often, and DON'T let everyone else's major anxiety get to you. It never failed throughout this program that everyone in the class before me posted about how stressed they were, or how terrible their teacher was, or how hard it was, or how they barely passed the class, and then I got in the class and it was NOWHERE near as hard as they had said. Whenever I tell this to my husband he always says that I need to put it into context. I'm an older student first of all, therefore I don't struggle that much with time management. Also, because I'm older I don't have any small children vying for my attention. Lastly and most importantly, in my program I can still get 2 C's. As of last semester my program has changed this and now there are no C's allowed in the program, but I'm grandfathered in, so I still have my 2 C's that I'm saving for these last two semesters. So, since I know I have those 2 C's to "fall back on" I don't overly stress over grades either. That plus the fact that I know I'm not going on for my DNP so I don't worry about my GPA.

Anyhoo, back to Peds. Can I just say that I LOVED peds. I loved the cute office, I loved the little chubby, ruddy cheeks. I loved everything about Peds. I loved the Pediatrician and thankfully she loved me. It was SUCH a great experience. Honestly, I could TOTALLY see myself doing Peds full time. As I've said before, I'm not that into managing chronic illnesses and this is why Peds was so great. For the most part all of the illnesses were acute, and of course there was the check-ups and vaccinations. Thankfully I didn't encounter any abuse cases during my time there, but the Pediatrician did have some stories for me. All in all I can say that I would jump at a job in Peds, but of course I haven't done Adult yet, so we'll see, maybe I'll love that too. I won't know until I try it.

Adult stars January 17th and goes through May, then it's on to MY LAST SEMESTER of NP school. I am SO ready to be DONE with school FOREVER!! The year I spent between nursing school and graduate school was the best year of my life, well not really, last year was actually the best year of my life, but that year with no school was close. I CANNOT wait to have school OFF of my back ONCE AND FOR ALL. A friend of mine is trying to talk me into going on for my DNP but I can tell you that is NOT going to happen.

Well anyway, I'm going to continue to enjoy the rest of my break, and I'll try to update once I start with Adult & let you know what I think about it.

Hope everyone had a great holidays!!



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