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Sorry I left ya hangin'!!

Guess whose LAST SEMESTER OF NURSING SCHOOL is about to start??  Yep, ME!! I am SOOO HAPPY that I can say I am FINALLY in my LAST semester of nursing school.

This semester consists of Leadership, Psych, Community and my clinical Capstone (in which we get to pick our designated area of clinical & hope that we get it). We start back on Jan. 16th & I am just SO ready to get this over with!

But what about last semester.  Well, it pretty much went how I though it would go.  I got my B in Peds & a stinkin' C in Critical Care.  I hate that I got a C but I'll be honest, I'm just happy that I passed that class.  Last semester was seriously the hardest semester since I've started nursing school.  I think there were several factors leading up to my C, including the fact that I started working last semester.  For those people ahead of us that told us "Oh yeah you can definitely work and do just fine this semester" I say WHATEV!!!  Yes I was able to work, but no I DIDN'T do just fine.  Of course, not that I'm blaming them for my bad grade, but just that I went into it thinking it was going to be a bit easier than it actually turned out to be.  Oh well, I PASSED and that's ALL that matters at this point.  Unfortunately the C brought my GPA down.  For my overall GPA (which includes grades from 100 years ago) I have a 2.8 or a 2.9 I can't remember, but for my last 60 hours I have a GPA of 3.1.  The graduate schools that I'm looking at say that I need at least a 3.2 for at least my last 60 hours in order to NOT have to take the GRE, soo that means that I really have to do well this semester.  I do NOT want to take the GRE.  Not only is it a test that I don't want to take, but I also don't want to shell out the 200 something dollars to take it.  So, I need to do really well this semester to boost my GPA (for at least the last 60 hours) back up to a 3.2. 

This semester seems like it's going to be REALLY busy.  I know that these next 4 months will fly by and that pleases me JUST fine. I'm so ready to just be DONE with nursing school & get on to the business of nursing.  Of course making more money DEFINITELY doesn't hurt either.  I've decided to take a semester off before going into graduate school.  I will graduate with my BSN in May & then I'm going to apply for the next Spring semester of graduate school.  By doing this that will at least give me 5 months of working/training/orienting before I start back to school.  I decided this for 2 reasons.  One because my son is also graduating in May (from high school) and he will be starting college in the fall.  I don't want to have to deal with all of his freshman stuff, my orientation at work AND me starting graduate school all at the same time.  That's just too much.  So, I'm going to take that time to get him oriented and let me semi settle in at work before I start back to school.  I'm thinking that's a good plan. 

I hope everyone who is in school has had a wonderful Christmas break, I know I did.  As a matter of fact here are some pics from my break:
Me & my sis

This was last night at girl's night (I'm the one in the grey)
My beautiful daughter & handsome son

Well, I hope you all are rested up after this Christmas break, I know I am.  I am ready to get this over and done with!! And of course I'll try to keep you posted along the way.

Love ya!


  1. geez candi! you don't look old enough to have a high school graduate!!
    and it will really fly.
    answer as many NCLEX questions as you can.
    We got NCLEX 4000 and passed the disc around class and answered them at home.

    1. Thanks girl! I hope it does fly! I am ready. Honestly I haven't studied one bit for the NCLEX, I guess I'd better get started huh?? :D


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