I know I have been MIA for quite a while now, I suppose that's what working 4-5 days a week will do to you, but I'm back and with good news, I WAS ACCEPTED INTO MY MASTER'S FNP PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Can you tell I'm excited? Doing the happy dance, doing the happy dance. Ok, to be honest, I've known this for a while, but since I don't actually start school until June, I didn't see any point in rushing to put it on here, but since June is just 3 short months away, and registration for classes start April 3, I figured it was time!! Well, that and I'm working in rehab today so I have a little time to kill :D
So, the deets. I am going back to the same school that I graduated from with my BSN. This is a RODP (Regent's Online Degree Program) where they assign you to a home school and lucky me I was assigned back at my alma mater, so thrilled! Like I said, I start in June. I am planning on attending part time, which equals 2 classes a semester, because I still need to work full time. I REALLY wish I could go full time because of the difference in the amount of time it would take to finish, but I just can't. I have to work at least 3 days a week and I want to make sure I get good grades, so in order to really focus I think that 2 classes a semester is all I'm going to be able to do. My plan is to work MWF and "go to school" on Tue & Thur. I say go, but really this is an online program and the only time I actually have to go anywhere will be when I start clinicals. My plan though is to take Tue & Thur & go to the library that is 5 minutes from my house and really focus on school. I don't know about everyone else, but I usually get more done in an quiet, studious, environment. I think I'm just a dork like that though.
The other day I had to go up to the school to pay my malpractice insurance and while I was there I had to do a few things to prepare for registration and it was so great being back in a learning environment. I love school. I love knowing that I am moving towards a goal that I set 5 years ago, one that is getting closer every day. My program is for FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner). I don't plan on pursuing the DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice). I just honestly don't feel the need for the extra title, schooling, debt, and time. I want to get done ASAP! I want to finish what I started and just be done. Going part time will take me exactly 2 1/2 years, so I will graduate in December 2017 at the ripe old age of 45...hard to believe, but guess what? I'll be 45 in 2 1/2 years anyway and I'd much rather be a NP at 45 than a floor nurse at 45, right? Floor nursing is NO JOKE. Since graduation I have worked in Geri Psych, Rehab and Med/Surg, and what I've learned from working these different floors is this. Your co-workers make ALL the difference. If you love the people you're working with it makes the day go SO much better, and thankfully I have met some GREAT people.
Anyway, that's what's going on in my neck of the woods. I just thought I'd stop by & mention this because pretty soon my school posts will start showing up again. I know everyone is looking forward to all the angst, lol.
Hope you're all enjoying this beautiful weather, unless of course you live in a part of the world where it's still dead of winter, yuck!
Be back soon!!

So, the deets. I am going back to the same school that I graduated from with my BSN. This is a RODP (Regent's Online Degree Program) where they assign you to a home school and lucky me I was assigned back at my alma mater, so thrilled! Like I said, I start in June. I am planning on attending part time, which equals 2 classes a semester, because I still need to work full time. I REALLY wish I could go full time because of the difference in the amount of time it would take to finish, but I just can't. I have to work at least 3 days a week and I want to make sure I get good grades, so in order to really focus I think that 2 classes a semester is all I'm going to be able to do. My plan is to work MWF and "go to school" on Tue & Thur. I say go, but really this is an online program and the only time I actually have to go anywhere will be when I start clinicals. My plan though is to take Tue & Thur & go to the library that is 5 minutes from my house and really focus on school. I don't know about everyone else, but I usually get more done in an quiet, studious, environment. I think I'm just a dork like that though.
The other day I had to go up to the school to pay my malpractice insurance and while I was there I had to do a few things to prepare for registration and it was so great being back in a learning environment. I love school. I love knowing that I am moving towards a goal that I set 5 years ago, one that is getting closer every day. My program is for FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner). I don't plan on pursuing the DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice). I just honestly don't feel the need for the extra title, schooling, debt, and time. I want to get done ASAP! I want to finish what I started and just be done. Going part time will take me exactly 2 1/2 years, so I will graduate in December 2017 at the ripe old age of 45...hard to believe, but guess what? I'll be 45 in 2 1/2 years anyway and I'd much rather be a NP at 45 than a floor nurse at 45, right? Floor nursing is NO JOKE. Since graduation I have worked in Geri Psych, Rehab and Med/Surg, and what I've learned from working these different floors is this. Your co-workers make ALL the difference. If you love the people you're working with it makes the day go SO much better, and thankfully I have met some GREAT people.
Anyway, that's what's going on in my neck of the woods. I just thought I'd stop by & mention this because pretty soon my school posts will start showing up again. I know everyone is looking forward to all the angst, lol.
Hope you're all enjoying this beautiful weather, unless of course you live in a part of the world where it's still dead of winter, yuck!
Be back soon!!
So Exciting!! Congratulations.