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Tomorrow it is...

So tomorrow starts my fourth semester. Although I am excited (and quite a bit nervous) about starting clinicals, I have to admit that I'm still sad that my summer "break" is over...

Normally on the first day of a new semester I stalk the website & wait for all of the information to come up. Then I sit down & put all of the due dates on my calendar and start obsessing over all of the information that I have flooding my brain. But guess what I am choosing to do this time instead? Take my girl and go to the lake. Yep, you heard me & guess what else? I even thought about really rebelling and not even taking my laptop, but then sanity hit. So, even though I am taking 4 teenage girls on a small camping trip, I will still be taking my laptop & checking in with school. I mean I'm not totally crazy. I know I'll at least have the "introduction" post due, you know, the major stuff right at the beginning. We will only be gone 2 days, so I'll be back Wed. evening in plenty of time to properly stalk the webpage and get my assignments written down in my calendar. 

Just 4 more semesters & then I am HOME free!! I can't even put into words how happy I will be to never see another school book EVER again....but until that time I will do my best and keep praying for passing grades. Here's to another semester, but first the sun!!


  1. Hi I'm April, just found your blog and am loving it :) I'm in the same boat as you, wife, mother, a nurse and starting an online FNP program in July. Would you say your fellow students are close knit such as coordinating study groups, etc? Or is being online pretty much leaving you to being on your own?

    1. April, fortunately we have several FB groups for our classes. We have a main page that's just a general page for everyone in the program and then we have a page for each class (clinical). It's actually been VERY helpful. When you start your program I would say to just start emailing people to see if there's a FB page. If there's not then make one & just invite everyone by email. If there is then I definitely say to join. Also, if you are going to make a new page I would make it secret or at the very least private. Our main page is secret to you can't even search for it, you have to be invited. Anyway, congrats on getting started!!!! What program are you going into?

  2. I know how you feel. While I hate the stress of nursing school, I do miss "having my life planned out" part. You know, what am I going to do today? Oh, yeah, STUDY! We took a trip to the beach for a couple of days. I also have a Sting/Peter Gabriel concert in a couple of weeks. You take care of yourself! I'm still reading....

    1. Jury I AM soooo looking forward to those unscheduled, unplanned days when I can go to work and come back home knowing I have NOTHING hanging over my head....well probably except for more work but I'll be getting paid for that instead of paying out the wazoo!! :D Thanks for reading.

  3. Hi I just happen to stop by your blog. I am already an LNA ,but working as a receptionist in neurology clinic and taking my nursing prereqs still. I am entering nursing school in the fall of 2018. I felt nervewracking to keep a full time job (hopefully 3 12 hours shift LNA )and go to nursing..

    1. Chorus, I'm not going to lie, it's hard to work full time and go to nursing school. Some programs are 5 days a week. I found that what worked best for me was switching to night shift. I was able to work around my school schedule & since nights were less hectic I was also able to get some school work done. Good luck with everything!!! If you go back to the very beginning of my blog I started blogging through nursing school. :D

  4. Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog and am looking forward to reading through some entries. I am thinking of switching careers to nursing. I had started an OT program a couple years ago, but long story short, it wasn't for me. I'm now working on a humanities phd, but still find myself thinking about working in health care. (I have also worked in between school too.)
    Hope you're doing well!

    1. Tina it's funny that you say that. I currently work in a rehab department in my hospital and I have MAD respect for our OT's. I'll be honest that is just NOT a job I could do. Our OTs and PTs have to be SO patient, not to mention having to stay in with the same patient for 90 minutes straight. Uh no thank you!! I really hope that you find the job you're looking for & thanks for stopping by my little 'ol blog.


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