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School's OUT!

Can I just say how MUCH I am loving my tiny break from school? I have a few days to feel like a normal person again. No constant thoughts running through the back of my brain about what assignments I have due, what paper I have to write, what quiz I need to be studying for, or did I miss an assignment, was that quiz this week or last week, wait there was a quiz??!! You get my point.

These few weeks have given me the recharge I needed to plunge back into the thick of it, especially since summer semesters are particularly brutal. Trying to squeeze 17 weeks worth of content into 10 weeks is no joke. Thank goodness I'm only taking one class though. Well, one class, one clinical.

Believe it or not I actually went and bought some books to read FOR FUN! Man I miss reading for fun...I love reading. Right now I'm reading two books and although I know I probably won't finish them before the semester starts back (I mean there is still work and my child and of course several seasons of Chopped to get through on Netflix) hopefully I can read a little bit here and there once school starts. Ok who am I kidding. This semester consists of 3 days of work and 2 days of clinical each week, on top of the actual tests, posts, papers etc. Basically no summer for me, and unfortunately for my 14 year old. Maybe I can find a great spot at the lake to study...We'll see.

Oh & I'll try to keep up with blogging a little better as well :D Here's to a few more days of FREEDOM!!!


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