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OH MY GOODNESS!! Guess who has SEVEN chapters to read in Pathophysiology and who has SEVEN freaking quizzes to take, ALL before next Tuesday?????????? Seriously? Lady I haven't even stepped foot in your classroom. Are you kidding? Am I being punked? No, seriously, did I mention I don't even have the book yet?? Oh and this online class, although you are a bit tedious, I think I'm going to love you. Or maybe it's just love at first site but the real you will come out later & I'll end up hating you as well. As for health assessment, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what you are. I mean you're obviously important, you even have a lab that comes with you, but still, I'm trying to figure you out.

And guess what? Today was only orientation!!

Lord help me!


  1. Unlike many other programs or classes, nursing school generally starts with a bang! Is your health assessment class how to do head to toe assessment on your patients? Ah... cranial nerve fun~

    I have Patho online this semester too!

  2. Yes now that you mention it I believe that is what Health Assessment is. Whew, I am a teeny bit worried, but I know God hasn't brought me this far to abandon me, so here I go!

  3. Honestly Candi it will feel overwhelming but take it one day at a time and one prayer at a time. If you look beyond what is right in front of you, you'll feel weighed down and fall to the floor and curl up in a ball and cry.
    Once you get the semester done you'll look back and wonder in awe how you did it, but just keep going and you'll get there.
    Make friends fast and rely on them because you all are going through the same things together at the same time. Don't forget to vent your frustrations on here either.
    God Bless the beginning of your journey.


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