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One more day!!

One more day & then orientation. I have been debating what to wear. Do I dress up? Do I go casual with jeans & my Blarvard shirt that I got for Christmas? What did you wear for your orientation? Speaking of things to wear, I am so glad that we don't have to wear our hideous scrubs this semester, that gives me like 6 months to lose some weight before I have to don the all white ensemble. UGH!!! I can do it, I NEED to do it. I cannot wear that outfit at the weight I am, I will look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Woman!!! Gross!! I mean seriously, white? I don't understand, our school colors aren't white, why not the school colors? Whatever. Anyhoo, ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooohooooooooooo


  1. Capri pants, flip flops and a short sleeve shirt. But that is the standard summer wear around here. It is actually what I wore to lecture most days too :-)

  2. Well my usual dress will be jeans/shorts/capri's & flip flops/tennis shoes depending on the weather. But I wasn't sure if I should try to make a good impression on the first day or not. Not sure who I would be impressing upon. We'll see.

  3. You're too funny! I remember worring about what I should wear too, just wear something you wouldn't mind making a first impression in. Also as time goes on and you're at school more and more you'll not really care as much. Our instructors kept telling us that each day we're on the floor during clinical are days that we need keep in mind those employees around us could be our co-workers or bosses one day. So we should treat each day as a day to impress those people. This makes me laugh now that I say it, because after only 2 semesters I've already let those words of advice go at times. Either way just dress how you think you should.

  4. These last two years in school I didn't give a crap what I wore. I NEVER wore makeup & just threw on jeans, shorts, whatever. And I'm SURE I'll be like that again. I was just thinking first impressions & all :) We'll see. I'll try my "cute" outfit on tonight & see if I think it's too much, if so I'll probably just go with jeans & a sweater combo :) That really is good advice though about working with people in the future, but I plan on ultimately being my own boss :)

  5. Well take a picture so we can see what you decided. Maybe one day I'll work alongside you? haha

  6. Ok so it was totally raining, so I went with jeans, rain boots & a sweater. I didn't bust out my Blarvard shirt :) Kind of glad I didn't dress up b/c everyone else was in jeans as well. I should have known being in school with mostly 20 somethings that they weren't going to dress up!


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