Had my interview today for the CNA/PCT position at this really great hospital. It's the one hospital in the area that I've never heard bad things about. And yes I know some hospitals get a bad rap. I felt like the interview went well, but the nurse manager was really nice. And I don't mean she was nice because she liked me & I think I got the job, I mean I'm pretty sure she's probably like that with everyone. The good news is though that while we were talking she did talk to me alot about the job as if I were going to be a nurse there, she had to come back around to the CNA position. So, that made me hopeful that she was looking at me like a future nurse there. :D This would be a really great opportunity to get my foot in the door at this hospital. Of course I don't know that this is where I want to work after I graduate, but hey it can't hurt having a job already lined up can it?
She said she has 2 positions open & she was interviewing 4 people, so those are pretty good odds right? Also, since I don't need benefits she said I could be prn. That would be really cool as well. She said I would just let her know the days I was available & then she would call or text me what she had open & I could pick my shifts that way. That sounds WONDERFUL. I really hope that I get this job. She also said that it's VERY busy. Each floor can hold (I think she said) up to 36 patients and there is one CNA per floor. BUT, she said you're not just at the beck & call of all the nurses. She said you come in & the charge nurse tells you who needs bed baths that day, who needs to be fed & she is the one that directs you, not the nurses. So that way you're not running around like a chicken with your head cut off. That sounds doable. Of course I've never done it before, but if that's the way they've been running it then I guess it works. I'm excited about the prospect. She said she will know by next Friday b/c not only is she hiring CNA's, she's also hiring new nurses as well. Dang I wish I was interviewing for that position!! Oh well, soon enough.
As for my Med/Surg grade.....well it turned out to be the lowest grade I've made this semester. I got an 81 on my first test, an 80 on my second & on this one I just BAAAARELY squeaked by with a 75. Actually a 74.6 to be exact. Whew, that was close. So far my average in that class is a 79 & I need an 82 for the class in order to pull off a B. I would love an A, but I just don't see that happening, and I'm ok with that. Also I just got back my last OB test & I got a 94!! Woohoo!! I can still see an A in that class for sure. Thankfully clinical is almost over. I only have one more clinical to do & then I'm DONE with clinical for this semester!!! Weeeeeeeeeee, sooo happy about that!!!
So, here's the countdown of what I have left: 2 tests, 2 HESI's, 2 finals, one portfolio due, and one clinical left. Woohoo, getting close!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, & I'm still waiting on the stinking grades for our research paper & our OB group project. Sheesh....
Is everyone else as excited about the end of the semester as I am?? :)

She said she has 2 positions open & she was interviewing 4 people, so those are pretty good odds right? Also, since I don't need benefits she said I could be prn. That would be really cool as well. She said I would just let her know the days I was available & then she would call or text me what she had open & I could pick my shifts that way. That sounds WONDERFUL. I really hope that I get this job. She also said that it's VERY busy. Each floor can hold (I think she said) up to 36 patients and there is one CNA per floor. BUT, she said you're not just at the beck & call of all the nurses. She said you come in & the charge nurse tells you who needs bed baths that day, who needs to be fed & she is the one that directs you, not the nurses. So that way you're not running around like a chicken with your head cut off. That sounds doable. Of course I've never done it before, but if that's the way they've been running it then I guess it works. I'm excited about the prospect. She said she will know by next Friday b/c not only is she hiring CNA's, she's also hiring new nurses as well. Dang I wish I was interviewing for that position!! Oh well, soon enough.
As for my Med/Surg grade.....well it turned out to be the lowest grade I've made this semester. I got an 81 on my first test, an 80 on my second & on this one I just BAAAARELY squeaked by with a 75. Actually a 74.6 to be exact. Whew, that was close. So far my average in that class is a 79 & I need an 82 for the class in order to pull off a B. I would love an A, but I just don't see that happening, and I'm ok with that. Also I just got back my last OB test & I got a 94!! Woohoo!! I can still see an A in that class for sure. Thankfully clinical is almost over. I only have one more clinical to do & then I'm DONE with clinical for this semester!!! Weeeeeeeeeee, sooo happy about that!!!
So, here's the countdown of what I have left: 2 tests, 2 HESI's, 2 finals, one portfolio due, and one clinical left. Woohoo, getting close!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, & I'm still waiting on the stinking grades for our research paper & our OB group project. Sheesh....
Is everyone else as excited about the end of the semester as I am?? :)
I am! I am ready to count down to the end as well! Its time for a break!
ReplyDeleteYeah. I really enjoyed my time off last summer, but I've always said from the beginning I wish our program just ran through the summer. If so, I'd be graduating after this summer! Oh well, I will enjoy the break & I will definitely enjoy working & making some MONEY this summer. Plus with working 12 hour shifts I'll still have plenty of time off to spend with my kiddos :)
DeleteMy semester starts on Monday :-(. But I've had two months off so i cant complain right. Good luck with your end of semester!
ReplyDeleteGirl, you are doing so great! I'm so proud of you for going on & getting your BSN. It'll be over before we all know it.
DeleteI commend you!! Having a job + being in nursing school = NO JOKE!!
ReplyDeleteI've heard that it's REALLY good to work as a CNA before you start out in that wild world of nursing - it makes you feel more confident when starting off as a nurse. I wish I would have worked as a CNA first.
and heck yes, i'm excited about the end of the semester!!!!
graduation and pinning are on the horizon.
and yes, yours is JUST around the corner ;)
Girl graduation, such a far off dream, but getting closer every day :) The good thing about this job is that it's PRN. So thankfully I can work around school & it's not full time, unless of course I want to work full time, which I won't except during the summer. Plus, everyone tells me that after 3rd semester you can easily hold a job so I'm looking forward to it. Of course that's only if I get the job :)