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Study sesh...and last day of OB clinical

Last night I had my first real college study sesh.  I met up with some nursing buddies in the library after clinical & we studied for our OB test today until about 11:45.  Well, that's when I left since I live about an hour away, all of them left around 1:00 I believe.  But I am VERY glad that I did it b/c I  hadn't studied for that test one bit & luckily just about everything we went over was on the test & I ended up making a B because of it.  Well that & getting up at 5:30 this morning to finish studying.  Four & a half hours of sleep is no beuno, but it was worth it to see that B.  Right now I am on the veeerge of an A in that class.  Unfortunately the only things we have left are the HESI & the final.  Well & the participation points, I don't really know how to average those in.  Maybe, just maybe I can pull off an A in there, that would be awesome. 

Monday is our last Med/Surg test before the final, so this week will be spent studying like a mad woman because I REALLY want to make an A on this test so I can bring my C up to a B in there.  My hopes of an A are gone, but I can still pull off a B & that's what I'm shooting for.  Of course none of us have heard about our research paper grades, BUT... The rumor is that the teachers are holding the papers to see what our grades are & they're going to use them as boosters for those who need them,  ya know what I mean?  I hope that's true.  Not that I'm not passing, but I know SEVERAL people that aren't & I don't want to go on w/o my peeps!!

Now on to my last day of OB clinical which was yesterday.  My last OB clinical was postpartum and everyone who had gone before me told me over & over how boring it was, how much they didn't like it, blah blah blah.  So I went in with not very high expectations but boy was I wrong.  I absolutely LOVED pp!!  I mean what's not to love?  Your patient is healthy, they're so super happy, I mean seriously this is usually the best thing that has ever happened to them.  I just REALLY enjoyed it.  My patient was precious and a little ornery, which I like.  She was a section patient and let me just say she was NOT trying to get up & walk.  She didn't want any part of that, BUT being the good nursling that I am I coerced her into walking the unit not once, but TWICE!! Go nursling, go nursling, go!  ;)  When I left for the day I told her that I was leaving but that she had only walked twice and that even though I wasn't going to be there that evening she still had to walk.  She promised me that she would.  I should have called & checked up on her.  Ok, I'm kidding, but I just felt so responsible for her, and I think that's what I loved so much about pp.  You have that time to bond with your patient, and teach them, and talk to them, and just get to know them.  That's what I love.  I think that's the part that was missing in L & D for me.  I mean you work so hard with that laboring patient & then they may or may NOT deliver on your shift & then you leave & when you come back they're gone, nothing, nada, you don't even get to see the baby.  It was just kind of unfulfilling for me.  But pp, LOVE!  So far favorite rotation, hands down. 

Skin to skin rocks!

Anyhoo, just thought I'd pop in & update, but now it's back to my nose in the ol' bookola.  Well not really the book, really just my notes.  Gotta get an A on that test on Monday!  Say a little prayer for me. 

Hope you all have a FANTABULOUS weekend!


  1. I absolutely loved postpartum too. We call it maternity here. I only got 3 days there but I absolutely loved working with te new moms and all the assessments and teaching. I'm glad u enjoyed your rotation. Good luck on your tests!

    1. I wish I had gotten 3 days!

    2. How many days did you guys get?

    3. We got 3 days TOTAL. One in L&D, one in nursery & one in PP. And then we had one day in a clinic & that was the extent of our OB clinicals. :/


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