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More news about my new job...

Yesterday I got a call from my new boss & we got to talking about my start date.  Of course there's orientation to start with and all that jazz.  We decided I could start Tuesday since my last final was Monday, which I am SUPER excited about (starting work, not my final)! I can't wait to get started & finally get some moolah! BUT the really good news is, during our conversation we got to talking about the job and its scope of practice.  Well I thought it was just your regular CNA job, which we all know what that entails.  And because of that I had still been applying at the hospital where I do my clinicals at for an extern position.  I liked the fact that this job was closer to my house, but I wanted the extra experience that an extern gets b/c of their broader scope of practice.  So as we were discussing orientation, that came up.  She said "You're going to be the only nurse tech we have!".  At this point I was like "Say what Willis?"  My first thought was that she meant I was going to be the only CNA that they have, not cool.  So I said "I'm going to be the only nurse tech that you guys have in the whole hospital?" And she said "Yes!  A nurse tech gets to do more than a CNA because you're in nursing school, you'll have a broader scope of practice and get to do more things like Foley's, enemas, and possibly IV sticks, I have to check on that one" and I about jumped for joy!! She said that right now I was the only nursing student she has working as a CNA (which is what she meant when she said I'd be the only one.)  She did say though that she had a med student who was working there as a CNA as well, so she gets to do more stuff too.  So basically what I thought was just your regular old CNA job has turned into a nurse extern job!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm SUPER DUPER excited about this, and I'm so thankful to my God who blesses me so abundantely even though I seriously DON'T deserve it!!  I mean I was excited to start before, but now even more so!!  Isn't that great?! :) 

Oh, she also said we could wear black scrubs, lol.  We were talking about the scrubs & she said they don't have a policy on what to wear.  She said that she's from California & there they have a high Laotian population & b/c of that they weren't allowed to wear black scrubs (to them it represented death, which I can totally understand) but that we could.  I guess I can see how it's sort of macabre, but come on black scrubs are slimming right! ;-)  We'll see.  For now I'll be wearing my gross school whites & the hideous red ones I had to wear when I took my CNA class.  But my first paycheck I'm ordering some better ones!! I guess I could always mix & match my red & white ones & go as a Valentine, lol. 


  1. Congratulations! It's refreshing to see someone so excited. Best of luck in your new position!

  2. Sounds fantastic. I love scrub shopping, I just found out I can wear any kind of scrubs to my preceptorship YAY!

    Good Luck with the New Job!

    BTW any chance you can get rid of the word verification thingy, they are so annoying as a commenter.

    1. I know, I can't wait to get some cute new tops. Sorry about the word verification thingy, I hate them too. Unfortunately I get quite a bit of spam so if I don't have it then I would have to make sure I catch it once it's already on the blog. :/

  3. Very excited for you!

    The county hospital here has assigned colored scrubs for their nurses (actually all of them do), anyway they are black. :-)


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