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Showing posts from February, 2014

I'm still not sure...

DONE with my ER rotation!  As a matter of fact that means I'm DONE with clinicals period!  Woohoo!!!  Friday was my last real clinical in nursing school.  I worked 6 twelve hour shifts in the ER & I can truly say that I would feel 90% comfortable going straight to the ER from nursing school.  Besides the actual trauma codes that come in, I feel like I could easily handle what goes on in that ER straight out of nursing school.  I thought that I would LOVE ER, and I did to an extent, but what I really found out in this clinical was that I just DON'T KNOW .  I don't know exactly what I want to do yet as far as being a nurse, and honestly I just don't think I would really LOVE any nursing job. I know that I want to be a NP & therefore nursing positions to me don't really hold a great appeal. That being said, I don't know yet 100% what dept. I want to to work in, and what I really came to realize is that I don't think I'm going to kno...

My legs are T-I-R-E-D!!!

 Can I just say for a minute how seriously TIRED I am?  And not just my legs but me too.  I thought I was over dramatizing how busy the ER would be, uh no, it was BUSY.  So here's how my 2 days went. First day I was assigned to a nurse.  I basically followed her around for the majority of the morning & observed, but that quickly got boring.  So then I started asking her if I could do stuff for her & she slowly started letting me try to start her iv's & do blood draws.  That was cool, although let's just say I wasn't very proficient at that.  Well by the afternoon I guess the nurses had gotten used to me being there so they all started asking me if I wanted to come & try to start their iv's, take out their iv's, do their blood draws, etc.  After that it was a lot more fun.  All in all I think I tried starting about 7 iv's that day and guess what?  I FINALLY got one!! My very last patient of the night was an iv s...

To the ER!

Tomorrow is my first clinical in the ER! I am SUPER excited.  I seriously can't wait.  Of course I'm also a little nervous.  I mean what if I get in there & they expect me to know something I don't know?  Or to do something I've never done before?  I mean I guess that's the point of a clinical, but I guess I'm just overly worried about it because it's the ER & in my mind that means that everything is moving in a rapid pace...Of course this is a small town, so maybe I'm overdramatizing what it's going to be like...I guess I'll see tomorrow.  Our clinicals are on Thursday & Friday, so for the next 3 weeks I'll be in clinical every Thur & Friday, on top of going to class Tue & Wed. & probably working some Saturdays & Sundays...February is about to get serious ya'll! So tonight I'm going to get my stuff packed, get my lunch together & get to bed early so I can be there bright eyed & bushy tailed at ...

Landau Nursing Scholarship!!

Are you a nursing student or recently been accepted into nursing school?  Are you excited about becoming a nurse but worried about the costs of education?          Landau Uniforms is reaching out to help those aspiring to serve others. Landau Uniforms is offering        four $2,500 scholarships to current and aspiring nursing students through the Landau        “Making Lives Better” Scholarship .       From now through April 10 th, APPLY for a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship from Landau Uniforms.        Applicants limited to ONE entry. Winners will be announced the week of May 5 th .   Let Landau help YOU make a difference.     Landau Uniforms has been a leader in healthcare uniform apparel industry for over      50 years. At Landau making scrubs the r...

Guess who's counting down in the double digits!!!

Yes, it's official, I am counting down my final days of school in the DOUBLE DIGITS!!!! Today marks 98 days until graduation!! I am so excited.  When I first started the countdown it was in like the 800's & I thought "Oh what's the point of counting down", but then it got below 365 & I started to get a little excited.  Now it's less than 100 days until I graduate from NURSING SCHOOL!!  I will be the first person in my family to graduate with their bachelor's degree & I am so excited! So a little about my last semester.  First of all my clinicals.  This semester we have 3 different clinicals.  We have community, psych & capstone.  For psych & community we basically have to get 45 hours each & most of it is on our own.  While it kind of makes me feel like I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, I don't really care because IT'S MY LAST SEMESTER!! I mean seriously they could throw anything at me at th...