DONE with my ER rotation! As a matter of fact that means I'm DONE with clinicals period! Woohoo!!! Friday was my last real clinical in nursing school. I worked 6 twelve hour shifts in the ER & I can truly say that I would feel 90% comfortable going straight to the ER from nursing school. Besides the actual trauma codes that come in, I feel like I could easily handle what goes on in that ER straight out of nursing school. I thought that I would LOVE ER, and I did to an extent, but what I really found out in this clinical was that I just DON'T KNOW . I don't know exactly what I want to do yet as far as being a nurse, and honestly I just don't think I would really LOVE any nursing job. I know that I want to be a NP & therefore nursing positions to me don't really hold a great appeal. That being said, I don't know yet 100% what dept. I want to to work in, and what I really came to realize is that I don't think I'm going to kno...
This wife and mom's journey from nurse to nurse practitioner, the good, the bad, the ugly, the exciting, the terrifying and beyond....