So went today & talked to the very nice girl at the clinic. She said they definitely need volunteers, so I'm going to start there in January once my kids go back to school. It's not a walk in clinic, it's by appt only & she said they mainly do maintanence type of care, you know BP & diabetes checks/meds. But right now any experience will be more than I have in a nursing role. I've done patient care before but it was for an orthopaedic surgeon & I basically did wound care, cast applications & removals. So, this will be a new thing for me. I'm excited about it. She basically said I could work whenever I wanted to, which she knows will be around my school schedule, so that's good too. I'll work it around mine & the kids school. Looking forward to it. Oh and tomorrow is my LAST thing on my checklist to be completely done and ready for school. Did I say the CPR class was my last thing? I can't remember. Well if I did, I was wrong. I have to go tomorrow & pay for my malpractice insurance (wow scary just saying it, to know that I now have the potential for a malpractice suit!!) and THEN I will be completely ready for school to start. Woohoo!! I think I'm gonna take my punky britches with me to the school & check out the campus a bit while we're there. See if I can walk around & find some stuff. Mainly the library & the gym. Since I have several hours to kill in between classes one day. I figured I'd take that time & head to the gym & do a few laps in the pool. The best laid plans.... ;)
So today I was reading Sophia's blog over at All Things NP , she's a NP student at Penn State. As I was reading about her interview process with Penn State & her rotations & her Sim Man day I started thinking, I am nowhere NEAR as smart as she is. I still struggle with what lab values are correct, much less IF they're off then why??!! I know that I don't put in as much time studying as some of my other classmates do and all of this makes me really doubt myself. When will this stuff start to really click? When will I start to KNOW this stuff? I wish I could spend more time studying than I do & in all honesty I probably could, but I also have a very busy life. I know that's not an excuse as everyone has their own "stuff", but I was seriously thinking as I was reading over her blog that I really need to buckle down & start reading a bit more. I definitely need to start studying more. I mean, I'm doing fine in my classes but P...
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